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Synthesis review support

HNE Health Libraries can support you or your team in all aspects of the Evidence Synthesis review process.

If you are interested in having a librarian collaborate with your research team on your review, please give some thought to the following questions which will need to be discussed in consultation with the librarian.

  • What type of review are you doing?
  • What is your PICO question?
  • Have you searched for any existing systematic reviews or systematic review protocols that address your question?
  • Do you have a protocol?
  • Do you have a team of 3 or more members?
  • Do you have time to screen the results of comprehensive literature searches?
  • Have you considered what your timetable is for the review?
  • Are you familiar with existing standards for the design, conduct and reporting of evidence reviews?

Your details

Family name
Given name

Project details

Review title (please identify the type of review in the title, eg, scoping review)
Provide a statement of the question the review will address in PICO format
Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known. Why is this review needed?
Have you searched PROSPERO or the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for any registered systematic reviews on your topic?
All of the Above
If so, please list any citations below. Be sure to include First Author Name, Article Title, Journal Title, Year and if possible article's DOI, PMID
Have you or do you intend to register your systematic review protocol with PROSPERO?
I'm not sure
Others (please specify)
What types of studies are you interested in including? (Please tick all that apply)
Other evidence synthesis
Health technology assessment
Systematic reviews
Other (please specify)
What is the aim of your project?
Practice guideline
Systematic review
Grant proposal
Quality improvement project
Other (please specify)
Please list full citations of at least 2 relevant references to represent the articles expected in the results (Be sure to include First Author Name, Article Title, Journal Title, Year and if possible article's DOI, PMID)
Citation 1
Citation 2
Citation 3
Citation 4
Citation 5
Please indicate any of the following limits you'd like to apply.
English language only
Human only
Age group
Publication years

Managing your results

Please indicate the format in which you want the results delivered.
Microsoft Word

What reporting guideline or methodological framework are you using for your review? If you aren't sure of the guideline, you can check the requirements listed in the you can check the requirements listed in theĀ  Equator Network's Reporting Guidelines database
If Other please specify

How do you plan to manage the citations that are found?
Other (please specify)

Have you decided what, if any, review management software you are going to use?
Don't know