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Session 1: An introduction to the systematic review process

Presented by NSW Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) and HNE Health Libraries. Dr Kerith Duncanson (Rural Research Manager, HETI) and Angela Smith (Library Manager & Research Support Librarian, HNE Health Libraries) guide participants through 10 sessions, stepping through the processes of systematic literature search, study selection, data extraction and writing up of a review for publication, or to inform policy or health service practice.

If you would like to workshop your question please contact Angela Smith.

23 April 2020

In this module you will learn about

  • The systematic review process
  • Systematic review databases
  • What makes a 'systematic' review
  • How this compares to a literature 'search'
  • What would turn it into a 'meta-analysis'
  • Turning your idea into a question

    Tools to assist you

    Cochrane logo  Cochrane Library is the leading database for systematic reviews

    Covidence logo Save, collate and critically appraise your resources using Covidence. Please check with your higher education provider for access

    JBI logo JBI EBP Database provides evidence summaries and best practice recommendations. Provided by CIAP

    PICO PICO worksheet example (PDF)

    EndNote logo Sign up for an EndNote web account and organise your citations

    Prospero logo International prospective register of systematic reviews

    University of Leeds logo Concept refining tools
