19 September 2023
Dr Susie Lord - Senior Staff Specialist, Pain Medicine
Alison Healey - Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Guideline. Children’s Complex Pain Service (CCPS) at JHCH - HNELHD CG 22_43
Raja SN, Carr DB, Cohen M, Finnerup NB, Flor H, Gibson S, et al. The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises. Pain. 2020 Sep 1;161(9):1976-82. PubMed PMID: 32694387. PMCID: PMC7680716. eng.
Vlaeyen JWS, Crombez G. Behavioral Conceptualization and Treatment of Chronic Pain. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2020 May 7;16:187-212. PubMed PMID: 31821023. Epub 20191210. eng.
NSW Police Force. Firearms Registry. Disclosure of information by health professionals (Section 79 of the Firearms Act 1996 and Section 38 of the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998)