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Medicinal cannabis

21 November 2023

...in non-epileptic paediatric presentations: Dr Michael Lonergan - VMO Paediatrician

...and child protection considerations: Dr Chris Vedeler - Staff Specialist Paediatrician, Medical Lead, Community and Child Protection

...for paediatric developmental-behavioural and MH disordersAssociate Professor Daryl Efron - University of Melbourne, General Paediatrician, Royal Children's Hospital

NSW Health logo Cannabis medicines

NSW Health logo Centre for medicinal cannabis research and Innovation

ACRE logo Australian Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical Research and Excellence

TGA logo Medicinal cannabis hub

Open access logo Efron D, Taylor K. Medicinal Cannabis for Paediatric Developmental, Behavioural and Mental Health Disorders. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Apr 7;20(8). PubMed PMID: 37107712. PMCID: PMC10138057. Epub 20230407. eng.

Open access logo Kemper KJ, Vohra S, Walls R. American Academy of Pediatrics. The use of complementary and alternative medicine in pediatrics. Pediatrics. 2008 Dec;122(6):1374-86. PubMed PMID: 19047261. eng.

Open access logo Freisthler B, Gruenewald PJ, Wolf JP. Examining the relationship between marijuana use, medical marijuana dispensaries, and abusive and neglectful parenting. Child Abuse Negl. 2015 Oct;48:170-8. PubMed PMID: 26198452. PMCID: PMC4593739. Epub 20150718. eng.

Open access logo Suraev A, Lintzeris N, Stuart J, Kevin RC, Blackburn R, Richards E, et al. Composition and Use of Cannabis Extracts for Childhood Epilepsy in the Australian Community. Sci Rep. 2018 Jul 5;8(1):10154. PubMed PMID: 29977078. PMCID: PMC6033872. Epub 20180705. eng.

CIAP logo Anderson LL, Doohan PT, Oldfield L, Kevin RC, Arnold JC, Berger M, et al. Citalopram and Cannabidiol: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence of Pharmacokinetic Interactions Relevant to the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Young People. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2021 Sep-Oct 01;41(5):525-33. PubMed PMID: 34121064. eng.
