Loan Laptop Policy

HNE Health Libraries Loan Laptops - Borrowing conditions

When loaning a laptop from HNE Health Libraries, the borrower agrees to the following terms and conditions:
  • HNE Health Libraries offer a loan laptop service at The HILL (JHH) and Tamworth Hospital Library
  • Laptops are available for use by library members while in The HILL and Tamworth Hospital Library –  and are not to be removed from these locations
  • The laptops are on the HNELHD network. HNE and UoN wi-fi access is available
  • The maximum loan period is 4 hours and can be renewed once. All laptops must be returned by 4.30 pm
  • If you plan to leave at any time – please return the laptop to the Library staff. Your loan will lapse, and the laptop will become available to other borrowers. You are welcome to place a hold (reservation) on an available laptop to use on your return
  • We have 10 laptops at each location. Like other items in our collection, if they’re all out on loan, you may place a hold (reservation) and we’ll contact you when a laptop becomes available
  • HNE Health Libraries has the right to recall items you may have on loan, including laptops
  • Laptops must be returned before the due time, or the borrower will be liable for a $3 per hour late fee
  • If you have any technical problems – please contact Library staff
  • HNE Health Libraries will not be liable for any work that is lost whilst using a loan laptop

HNE Health Libraries Loan Laptops - Borrower responsibilities

  • The borrower is solely responsible for the security of the laptop. Should the laptop be lost/stolen whilst in the borrower’s possession, they will be liable for the full cost of replacement ($1800), any late fees that have accrued, and an administration fee ($35). Borrowing privileges (both for print and electronic material) will be suspended until all fees are paid.
  • The borrower is liable for the repair costs of any damage to the laptop whilst in their possession (up to $1800 plus a $35 administration fee). Any damage to a laptop must be reported to the library staff immediately. If the borrower returns a laptop that is damaged and does not advise the library staff of the damage, they will still be held responsible for the damage. Any laptop repairs will be carried out by HNELHD’s choice of repairer. Borrowers cannot attempt to repair any damage or attempt to replace a damaged laptop with a laptop of their own. Borrowing privileges (both for print and electronic material) will be suspended until all fees are paid
  • If a laptop is more than 2 days overdue, it will be considered lost/stolen and the borrower will be liable for the full cost of replacement ($1800), any late fees that have accrued, and an administration fee ($35). The full cost of replacement ($1800) may be waived at the discretion of the HNE Health Libraries if the laptop is returned in good condition. In the event the full cost of replacement is waived, the borrower will still be liable to pay accrued late fines and administration fee. Borrowing privileges (both for print and electronic material) will be suspended until all fees are paid