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Accreditation and evidence banks

NSW Regional Health Partners' community of practice for clinical trials coordinators meets monthly for online presentations and workshops discussing a range of topics with a focus on quality and the delivery of clinical trials. To be included on the mailing list for events and updates please email hmriclinicaltrials@hmri.org.au


20 February 2024

A brief overview of the NNSWLHD Research Office approach to accreditation and walk through the evidence bank
Dr Alex Stephens - Director of Research, Northern NSW Local Health District

A brief overview of the Calvary Mater Newcastle organisational approach to accreditation and their strategy to maintain their evidence bank
Jeanette Upton - Quality Manager, Calvary Mater Newcastle

CCLHD Research Office learnings from the NCTGF Gap Analysis and preparation for the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework accreditation 
Dr Katherine Bolton - Research Manager, CCLHD
Yin Wang - Research Governance Officer, CCLHD

 ACQSHC I logo National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
