Home > Education > Recorded education > Grand Rounds > Mater Mental Health > 2024

Calm amidst chaos: Managing violence and psychosis in the MHICU

Held on Wednesdays 1.30 - 2.30 pm, Lecture Theatre, Mental Health Admin Building, CMN

Other years  2025  2023

29 May 2024 by Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES)

Dr Henry Davies - Stage 3 Psychiatry Registrar
Caitlin Morton - NUM, MHICU
Dr Alice Munro - RMO

HNE Health Libraries logo  Aguayo J. Introducing the clinical work of Wilfred Bion.. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group; 2023.

Open Access logo  Ainsworth NJ, et al. Impact of medications, mood state, and electrode placement on ECT outcomes in treatment-refractory psychosis. Brain Stimul. 2022 Sep-Oct; 15(5): 1184-1191. PMID: 36028155

Open Access logo  Lally J, et al. Augmentation of clozapine with ECT: a retrospective case analysis. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2021 Feb; 33(1): 31-36. PMID: 32967745

Open Access logo  Hirsch S, Steinert T. Measures to avoid coercion in psychiatry and their efficacy. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2019 May 10; 116(19): 336-343. PMID: 31288909

Open Access logo  Ali SA, et al. Electroconvulsive therapy and schizophrenia: a systematic review. Mol Neuropsychiatry. 2019 Apr; 5(2): 75-83. PMID: 31192220

Open Access logo  Lally J, et al. Augmentation of clozapine with electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophr Res. 2016 Mar; 171(1-3): 215-224. PMID: 26827129

HNE Health Libraries logo  Boumans CE, et al. The methodical work approach and the reduction in the use of seclusion: how did it work? Psychiatr Q. 2015 Mar; 86(1): 1-17. PMID: 25270895

CIAP logo   Boumans CE, et al. Reduction in the use of seclusion by the methodical work approach. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2014 Apr; 23(2): 161-170. PMID: 23890418
