Held on Wednesdays 1.30 - 2.30 pm, Lecture Theatre, Mental Health Admin Building, CMN
Kimberley Apps - Family and Carer MH Program Coordinator Dr Nicholas Frawley - Advanced Trainee in CAMHS/Education and Leadership
HNELHD Guideline 23_15. Mental Health: The Five Point Plan for Families and Clinicians
HNE MHS Family and Carer MH Program SharePoint
HNE MHS Information for Families and Carers
Family, Kinship and Carers Information Booklet (PLEASE DO NOT PRINT BOOKLET)
Support Services Information for Families/Carers
7 active listening techniques for better communication: It's time to start having more intentional conversations
Families, Friends & Carers
Mental Health Rights Manual - Chapter 4 Section G: The role and rights of the Designated Carer and Principal Care Provider
Ong HS, Fernandez PA, Lim HK. Family engagement as part of managing patients with mental illness in primary care. Singapore Med J. 2021 May; 62(5): 213-219. PMID: 34409463