Held on Wednesdays 1.30 - 2.30 pm, Lecture Theatre, Mental Health Admin Building, CMN
Dr Nick Bendit - Staff Psychiatrist
Barkham M, editor. Psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy: a conversational model. Los Angeles: Sage; 2017
Meares R. Borderline personality disorder and the conversational model: a clinician’s manual. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.; 2012
Walton CJ, Bendit N, Baker AL, Carter GL, Lewin TJ. A randomised trial of dialectical behaviour therapy and the conversational model for the treatment of borderline personality disorder with recent suicidal and/or non-suicidal self-injury: an effectiveness study in an Australian public mental health service. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2020 Oct; 54(10): 1020-1034. PMID: 32551819
Yager J, Feinstein RE. A common factors approach to psychotherapy with chronically suicidal patients: wrestling with the angel of death. Psychiatry. 2017 Fall; 80(3): 207-220. PMID: 29087254
Gutheil TG, Schetky D. A date with death: management of time-based and contingent suicidal intent. Am J Psychiatry. 1998 Nov; 155(11): 1502-1507. PMID: 9812109