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About HNE Health libraries

HNE Health Libraries specialise in the provision of medical and health science information to the staff of Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD).

Vision: Linking evidence with practice

HNE Health Libraries vision is for a HNELHD wide network of health library services providing the best available evidence to inform clinical and corporate decisions, research, innovation, education and training.


HNE Health Libraries are committed to the HNELHD wide delivery of a client-focused, cost-effective and innovative library and information service to improve patient care, teaching, research, innovation and professional development.



HNE Health Libraries are committed to providing:

  • Equity of access to knowledge and information services for all HNELHD staff wherever they are located
  • Services, content and professional expertise that are client focused and accessible where, when and in formats that are convenient to users
  • Information content that is timely, accurate, relevant and quality assured



HNE Health Libraries aim to:

  • Support HNELHD's priorities for patient care and safety
  • Improve staff access to quality information for decision making, evidence based clinical practice, policy making, research and continuing education
  • Co-ordinate library services to facilitate consistent services, strategic direction and policy
  • Maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of HNE Health Libraries
  • Capitalise on technological developments including IT infrastructure, online and digital information content, web services

Service Delivery Model


The service delivery model includes:

  • HNELHD wide provision of e-resources with print collections available at the Mater and Tamworth hospitals
  • The library website which provides access to services, resources and education
  • Staffed branches at the John Hunter, Mater and Tamworth Hospitals
  • Specialisation that meets HNELHD wide information needs
  • HNELHD wide service level agreements for resource purchasing of electronic resources
  • Professional expertise empowered to deliver services, support training, manage content and be innovative.

HNE Health Libraries' service delivery model directly supports the: