Home > Education > Recorded education > Grand Rounds > JHH Adult Medicine

A man falls off a bike: Caring for the potentially incapacitated patient

Thursdays, 12.00 noon - 1.30 pm. Royal Newcastle Centre Lecture Theatre

12.00 noon - 12.30 pm, RNC Boardroom (3125)

12.30 pm – 1.30 pm, RNC Lecture Theatre or join us online via Zoom

Other years  2023  

11 April 2024

Dr Damian Bruce -Hickman - Transitional Fellow, ICU
Dr Kathryn Kerr - Senior Registrar, ICU

UpToDate logo Ethics in the intensive care unit: Informed consent

NSW Health logo Consent to Medical and Healthcare Treatment Manual

HNELHD logo Policy compliance procedure. Adult Closed Head Injury – Initial Management PD2012_013:PCP 1

NSW Communities and Justice logo Capacity Toolkit

HNE Health Libraries subscribed resource Trépanier G, Laguë G, Dorimain MV. A step-by-step approach to patients leaving against medical advice (AMA) in the emergency department. Cjem. 2023 Jan;25(1):31-42. PubMed PMID: 36315346. PMCID: PMC9628312. Epub 20221031. eng.

Open Access logo Kelly AM, Eburn M, Cockburn T, Senthi A. Review article: Detaining patients against their will: Can duty of care be used to justify detention and restraint in emergency departments? Emerg Med Australas. 2023 Dec;35(6):896-902. PubMed PMID: 37638384. Epub 20230828. eng.
