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HNE Health Libraries plays a crucial role in the accreditation process through the provision of evidence-based information via high quality resources and services delivered by qualified library and information professionals. The Library supports patient care through research and training services designed to equip clinical staff with the skills and information required to ensure their practice is current and based on the best available evidence.

National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards

These standards set a nationally consistent level of care that consumers can expect from health service organisations. HNE Health Libraries supports Hunter New England Local Health District meet accreditation requirements by delivering information resources and services that respond to each NSQHS Standard

Clinical Governance


HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 1;

Action 1.07

  •  Comprehensive training and education services on evidence-based practice including literature searches and evidence for clinical guideline writing.

    Action 1.21
  •  Point of care tools provided to support high-quality, evidence-based patient care
  • NSQHS Live Literature Searches that provide access to evidence-based information from PubMed relevant to each Standard.

    Action 1.2.7
  •  Literature searching and evidence synthesis service that delivers expert searches utilising a range of resources providing access to multi-disciplinary evidence-based information.

    Action 1.30 (b)
  •  Provides a safe, calm and quiet environment for clinicians and other hospital staff at two campuses, Calvary Mater Newcastle, Tamworth Hospital.
  • Partnering with Consumers


    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 2;

    Action 2.10

    Preventing & Controlling Infections


    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 3;

    Action 3.03, 3.05

    • Comprehensive training and education services on evidence-based practice including literature searches to ensure that policies and guidelines are based on the best available evidence.
    • Offering literature and evidence services that provide expert searches of the most current available evidence.

    Action 3.15

    Medication Safety

    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 4;

    Action 4.10(a)
    • Support medication reviews by providing evidence and best practice resources.

    Action 4.13
    • Facilitating access to and providing support for a range of clinical decision support tools for medicines via CIAP and library subscribed resources.
    • NSQHS Live literature searches. Medication safety
    • Library recorded education. District Pharmacy Education.Access to point of care tools. MiMs online, AMH, TGA Guidelines, UptoDate via CIAP.

    Comprehensive Care

    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 5;

    Action 5.04
    • Support clinical staff to meet the patient’s information needs through the provision of patient information resources available in many languages via AccessMedicine, UpToDate and BMJ Best Practice via CIAP and Library subscribed resources including TRIP Pro

    Action 5.05
    •  Engage with and participate where practical as part of a multidisciplinary team. The Library is part of the research team when undertaking evidence review and synthesis service. Library staff attend Grand rounds and record sessions and curate supporting resources and house recordings on the library website.

    Action 5.13, 5.21-5.36
    Action 5.18

    Communicating for Safety


    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 6;

    Action 6.02

    Action 6.03
    Action 6.04
    • HNE Health Libraries record and edit a range of educational programs ensuring education is available on-demand. Education sessions include multi-disciplinary grand grounds and communities of practice that support effective communication.


    Blood Management


    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 7;

    Action 7.03

    •  Support clinical staff to meet the patient’s information needs through the provision of patient information resources available in many languages via resources including AccessMedicine, UpToDate and BMJ Best Practice via CIAP and Library subscribed resources like TRIP Pro.

    Action 7.06

    Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration


    HNE Health Libraries supports Standard 8;

    Action 8.01, 8.02

    •  HNE Health Libraries record and edit a range of educational programs ensuring education is available on-demand. Education sessions include multi-disciplinary grand grounds and communities of practice that support effective communication.
    • Offering a comprehensive education and training program to staff on evidence-based practice including literature searching and searching for the evidence for guideline development.

    Action 8.03
    •  Support clinical staff to meet the patient’s information needs through the provision of patient information resources available in many languages via resources including AccessMedicine, UpToDate and BMJ Best Practice via CIAP and Library subscribed resources like TRIP Pro.

    Action 8.10