Home > Education > Recorded education > Departmental Training > General Surgery Network Education > General Surgery Network Education 2023

Breast Cancer Vivas

11 December 2023

Dr Matt Spinks General, Breast and Endocrine Surgeon Gosford Hospital

UpToDate logo Clinical features, diagnosis, and staging of newly diagnosed breast cancer

Open access logo Rezaei S, Babaei M. A systematic literature review on direct and indirect costs of triple-negative breast cancer. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 2023;21(1):92.

Open access logo Lunardi M, Al-Habbaa A, Abdelshafy M, Davey MG, Elkoumy A, Ganly S, et al. Genetic and RNA-related molecular markers of trastuzumab-chemotherapy-associated cardiotoxicity in HER2 positive breast cancer: a systematic review. BMC Cancer. 2022;22(1):396.
