Making the switch: IV to Oral

Operation Ouch

19 June 2024

Dr. Coen Butters Infectious diseases physician/paediatrician, JHCH

ACSQ logo Australian Commission in Safety and Quality in Health Antimicrobial Stewardship in Australian Health Care (the AMS Book)

UpToDate logo The human microbiome Nature Outlook, updated 2024

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UpToDate logo If The Gut Works, Use It! Five Important Considerations When Switching From IV To PO Antibiotics

UpToDate logo Abbotsford J, Goff Z, Foley DA, Yeoh DK, Brophy-Williams S. A matter of taste: Results of antibiotic suspension tasting among paediatric doctors J Paediatr Child Health. 2021 Jan;57(1):161-162. doi: 10.1111/jpc.15314. PMID: 33493371.
